Why you may not want to use AddThis on your website

AddThis is a popular website tool that allows users to share content on social media and other platforms. While it can be a useful tool for increasing website traffic and engagement, it can also raise significant privacy concerns.

One of the main privacy issues with AddThis is that it collects and stores personal information about users who interact with the tool. This includes information such as their IP address, location, and browsing habits, which can be used for various purposes, such as targeted advertising and data analysis. This can be a violation of users' privacy, especially if they are not aware that their information is being collected and used in this way.

AddThis collects this information by using cookies and other tracking technologies, which are small pieces of data that are stored on users' devices when they visit a website. These cookies allow AddThis to track users' online activity and to collect information about their behavior on the internet. This information is then used to personalize the content and advertisements that users see, based on their interests and preferences.

While this personalized content and advertising can be useful for users, it can also be intrusive and unwanted. Many users are not aware that their personal information is being collected and used in this way, and they may not have the option to opt out of this tracking. This can be a violation of their privacy, and it can also make them feel like they are being monitored and controlled by AddThis and the companies that use its data.

In addition to the potential privacy concerns, using AddThis on your website can also make it more difficult for you to comply with privacy laws and regulations. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States require website owners to be transparent about the data they collect and to obtain consent from users before collecting and using their personal information. If you use AddThis on your website, you may not have full control over the data that is collected and how it is used, which can make it difficult to comply with these laws.

Another privacy issue with AddThis is that it can be a security risk. The tool uses cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store data about users, which can make your website vulnerable to cookie theft and other forms of cyber attacks. This can expose your website and your users to a variety of security risks, such as identity theft, data breaches, and other forms of online fraud.

AddThis was acquired by Oracle in 2016. This means that AddThis is now a subsidiary of Oracle and is under the ownership and control of the company. As a result of this acquisition, AddThis now has access to Oracle's technology and resources, which can be used to enhance its services and offerings. The bad effects of the connection between Oracle and AddThis are primarily related to privacy concerns. Since Oracle is a large technology company with access to a vast amount of data, the acquisition of AddThis gives it even more access to personal information about users who interact with the tool. This can be a potential violation of users' privacy, especially if they are not aware that their information is being collected and used in this way.

Hence, using AddThis on your website can pose a number of privacy and security risks. While it can be a useful tool for increasing website traffic and engagement, it is important to carefully consider the potential drawbacks before using it on your website. If you are concerned about protecting the privacy of your users and maintaining the security of your website, you may want to consider alternative options for sharing content on social media and other platforms.

There are several alternatives to AddThis that can help you share content on social media and other platforms while respecting the privacy of your users. Some of these options include:

  1. Shareaholic - This is a website tool that allows users to share content on social media and other platforms, but it also has a number of privacy-friendly features. For example, it allows users to opt out of tracking and to choose which services they want to share content with.
  2. Social Warfare - This is a social sharing plugin for WordPress that allows users to share content on various social media platforms, but it also has a number of privacy-focused features. For example, it allows users to control which social media services they want to share content with and it does not collect personal information from users.
  3. AddToAny - This is another website tool that allows users to share content on social media and other platforms, but it also has a number of privacy-focused features. For example, it allows users to opt out of tracking and to control which services they want to share content with.

Overall, there are many alternatives to AddThis that can help you share content on social media and other platforms while respecting the privacy of your users. It is important to carefully research and compare these options to find the one that best fits your needs and priorities.